
ERP soft­ware

Our ERP soft­ware is the op­ti­mal re­spon­se to the re­qui­re­ments port­fo­lio of the pla­s­tics in­dus­try and trade, and al­so of gam­ing ve­nues and ca­si­nos. Our com­ple­te, cross-mo­du­le so­lu­ti­ons bring in­creased fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ef­fec­ti­ve­ness to your dai­ly business.



Un­se­re ERP-Soft­ware ist die op­ti­ma­le Ant­wort auf das An­for­de­rungs­port­fo­lio der Kunst­stoff­in­dus­trie- und dem Kunst­stoff­handel so­wie von mo­der­nen Spiel­ban­ken und Ca­si­nos. Mit den mo­dul­über­grei­fend an­ge­pass­ten Kom­plett­lö­sun­gen brin­gen Sie als Mit­tel­ständ­ler mehr Fle­xi­bi­li­tät und Ef­fek­ti­vi­tät in Ihr Ta­ges­ge­schäft. So macht Wett­be­werb Freude.


The ERP sys­tem for in­no­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies in the fields of in­dus­try and trade.


Soft­ware for mo­dern gam­ing ve­nues & casinos.

Cor­po­ra­te software

By spe­cia­lists, for specialists

Long-term ex­pe­ri­ence, a con­sis­tent cus­to­mer fo­cus, and cut­ting-edge ex­per­ti­se make us the ide­al part­ner for small and me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies. We can help you to ful­ly rea­li­se your po­ten­ti­al and to set your busi­ness on the path to suc­cess, for the long term. Wi­thin the scope of stra­te­gic plan­ning, our soft­ware pro­vi­des you wi­th the free­dom to ad­dress cus­to­mer re­quests in even grea­ter de­tail on a day-to-day ba­sis, and to dri­ve in­no­va­tions forwards.

What makes us proud

Our pro­ducts, which have be­en spe­ci­al­ly de­ve­lo­ped to meet your re­qui­re­ments, ba­sed on prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence, and have be­en va­li­da­ted by ma­ny sa­tis­fied customers.

Our pro­ducts

Mi­cro­soft-ba­sed, and the­r­e­fo­re ca­pa­ble of in­te­gra­ting in­to existing

sys­tems, quick­ly and wi­t­hout any is­sues. For in­creased fle­xi­bi­li­ty and efficiency.

Our ap­proach

Your re­lia­ble point of cont­act for ana­ly­sis, pro­ject ma­nage­ment, and

ap­pli­ca­ti­on. Ex­pert ser­vice from a sin­gle source.

Our phi­lo­so­phy

Fin­ding the ide­al so­lu­ti­on, spe­ci­al­ly tail­o­red to your in­di­vi­du­al re­qui­re­ments, th­rough long-term ex­per­ti­se and wi­de-ran­ging competence. 

Our team

Our ex­per­ti­se, for your com­pa­ny software

Mar­tin Seiler 

Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor, Pro­ject Plan­ning & Development

Chris­tof Homeier

Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor, Pro­ject Plan­ning & Development

Mar­tin Seiler

Pro­ject ma­nage­ment & training

Uwe We­semann

Con­sul­ting & Sales

Have ques­ti­ons or just interested?

Gi­ve us a call or wri­te to us using our con­ve­ni­ent cont­act form. We look for­ward to re­cei­ving your query!


Ha­gen­stra­ße 41

48529 Nord­horn


Pho­ne: +49 (0) 5945 — 995180 



Pho­ne: +49 (0) 5945 — 995180 


STEPSOFT GmbH — Your ERP specialist

STEPSOFT sup­ports com­pa­nies from in­dus­try and com­mer­ce as well as ca­si­nos wi­th so­phisti­ca­ted and high­ly sca­lable soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons that op­ti­mal­ly ful­fil in­dus­try-spe­ci­fic re­qui­re­ments. Your in­di­vi­dua­li­ty is our priority.

How to reach us


Ha­gen­stra­ße 41- 48529 Nordhorn 

Po­ne: +49 (0) 5921 — 711040



Pho­ne: +49 (0) 5921 — 711040
