STEP­ba­sic in­dus­try solutions

Be­ne­fit from a fast and ef­fi­ci­ent in­tro­duc­tion of STEP­ba­sic. Ta­ke a look at our pro­duct bro­chu­re. The­re you will find an over­view of the es­sen­ti­al STEP­ba­sic func­tion­a­li­ty. You are wel­co­me to call us for mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on, de­tail­ed in­sights and ques­ti­ons or send us a short mes­sa­ge via our cont­act page.

Mer­chan­di­se ma­nage­ment for trade

STEP­ba­sic is put to ver­sa­ti­le use wi­thin trade en­vi­ron­ments, any­whe­re whe­re pro­duct va­ri­ants, dif­fe­ren­tia­ted pri­cing, frame­work agree­ments, and the con­ti­nuous ana­ly­sis of mar­gins and tra­ding vo­lu­mes are of par­ti­cu­lar re­le­van­ce. He­re, it is ir­rele­vant whe­ther you on­ly pro­cu­re the goods on the ba­sis of a cus­to­mer re­quest, or sell the goods from your own stock in­ven­to­ry on a re­gu­lar basis.

In all in­s­tances, STEP­ba­sic of­fers a con­ti­nuous goods chain from purcha­se, to sa­le, and warehouse ma­nage­ment. He­re, the in­di­vi­du­al fi­ne-tu­ning of a pro­cess is ma­de pos­si­ble, as is con­ti­nuous ac­cess to all re­le­vant do­cu­ments and da­ta re­gar­ding the DMS and CRM module.

We of­fer pre-con­fi­gu­red STEP­ba­sic sys­tems for the fol­lo­wing 3 areas.

Who­le­sa­le packaging

In the form of trans­port and sa­les pack­a­ging – from our stan­dard ran­ge or cus­tom pro­du­ced. Whe­ther ma­de of paper/card, pla­s­tic or film. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user WEPA Ver­pa­ckun­gen GmbH.

Tech­ni­cal trade

Ma­chi­nes and de­vices, in stan­dard and cus­tom con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. Re­pla­ce­ment and wear parts. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent the­se to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user EURO-Jabelmann.

Pla­s­tic and rub­ber trade

Im­port and ex­port, as well as drop-ship­ping. Sa­le of stan­dard (DIN) parts and cus­tom cut­ting and pre-ma­chi­ning. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent the­se to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user MAURER Kunst­stoff­tech­nik GmbH.

ERP for the pla­s­tic and rub­ber industry

You are no doubt awa­re: the pla­s­tics in­dus­try wi­th all its sub­di­vi­si­ons is in a con­ti­nu­al sta­te of de­ve­lo­p­ment. Cus­to­mer re­qui­re­ments in­spi­re the use of pro­ducts in new are­as of ap­pli­ca­ti­on. New­ly de­ve­lo­ped ma­te­ri­als and pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses are ope­ning up enhan­ced pos­si­bi­li­ties for in­no­va­ti­ve cus­to­mers. Join them on this path, stri­ve to ful­fil your cus­to­mers’ needs, and im­ple­ment your own in­no­va­tions. We ta­ke ca­re of things at our end and, wi­th STEP­ba­sic, free you up to fo­cus on your dai­ly busi­ness operations.


As a ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of com­pounds (and re­cy­cler), you bring the most va­ried qua­li­ties on the sup­pli­er si­de in­to harm­o­ny wi­th your cus­to­mers’ of­ten spe­cia­list pro­duct re­qui­re­ments. Re­gard­less of whe­ther they on­ly re­qui­re small quan­ti­ties as a one-off for a cer­tain or­der, or are re­gu­lar purcha­sers for long-term se­ries pro­duc­tion. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user WMK Pla­s­tics GmbH.

In­jec­tion moul­ding and mould-making

Con­ti­nuous qua­li­ty con­trol and clear batch mo­ni­to­ring of the sup­pli­ed raw ma­te­ri­als are es­sen­ti­al to pro­duc­tion in me­di­um-si­zed and lar­ge se­ries. Wi­th the STEP­ba­sic QA and La­bo­ra­to­ry mo­du­le, you can map this out wi­thin your dai­ly busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons. Thanks to the ea­sy-to-use va­ri­ant ma­nage­ment in 4 di­men­si­ons, even va­ri­ants that are sel­dom re­qui­red are quick­ly ac­ces­si­ble and can be fur­ther mo­di­fied to su­it the in­di­vi­du­al or­der. Mould ma­nage­ment and mould-ma­king round off the ran­ge of ser­vices. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user Osko GmbH.

Ad­di­ti­ves and li­quid colourants

You ma­nu­fac­tu­re ad­di­ti­ves or co­lou­rants that are al­so pro­ces­sed in the pla­s­tic and rub­ber in­dus­try. Then in STEP­ba­sic you will find the cor­re­spon­ding func­tion­a­li­ty in or­der to suc­cessful­ly ma­na­ge your com­pa­ny. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence users REPI GmbH and HECOPLAST® GmbH.


As a re­cy­cler you pro­cu­re the most va­ried of bat­ches on the mar­ket, in terms of quan­ti­ty and qua­li­ty. Th­rough pro­ces­sing and mi­xing, you then pro­du­ce the pro­ducts re­qui­red by your cus­to­mers. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user Mor­ein GmbH.

Me­cha­ni­cal pro­ces­sing and con­tai­ner con­s­truc­tion (acrylic, FGRP…)

You use stan­dard preli­mi­na­ry pro­ducts to pro­cess the­se in­to the end pro­duct re­ques­ted by the cus­to­mer. Whe­ther this is by me­ans of mil­ling, sa­wing, or gluing — as a one-off or se­ries pro­duc­tion. He­re, va­rious pro­duct pro­per­ties such as acrylic, film, mats, and pa­nels are as­sem­bled and packa­ged af­ter as­sem­bly. Pre plan­ned wi­thin the CAD sys­tem, the items are then trans­fer­red to STEP­ba­sic. The cor­re­spon­ding or­der is in­cor­po­ra­ted in­to the pro­duc­tion pro­cess and, if ne­ces­sa­ry, re­qui­red ma­te­ri­al ac­qui­si­ti­ons are sche­du­led for purcha­se. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user Au­er Kunst­stoff­tech­nik GmbH & Co.KG.


You ma­nu­fac­tu­re me­di­um-si­zed and lar­ge se­ries using ex­tru­si­on and me­cha­ni­cal post pro­ces­sing. Wi­th the sim­ply hand­led va­ri­ant ma­nage­ment in 4 di­men­si­ons, even va­ri­ants that are sel­dom re­qui­red are quick­ly ac­ces­si­ble and can be fur­ther mo­di­fied to su­it the in­di­vi­du­al The com­pre­hen­si­ve batch track­ing, cou­pled wi­th la­bo­ra­to­ry and QA ser­vices, gua­ran­tees the hig­hest pos­si­ble le­vel of qua­li­ty on bo­th the sup­pli­er and cus­to­mer sides.

Pla­s­tic packaging

You ma­nu­fac­tu­re pack­a­ging ma­de of pla­s­tic and other ma­te­ri­als. For an ef­fi­ci­ent pro­duc­tion pro­cess, dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties and bat­ches must be ma­na­ged, and op­ti­mal ma­chi­ne uti­li­sa­ti­on plan­ned. Wi­th the fle­xi­ble th­ree-tier pri­cing, you can quick­ly set the re­qui­red pri­ce points for each mar­ket seg­ment. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user Osko GmbH. 

Film pro­ces­sors

You pro­cess dif­fe­rent ty­pes of film for va­rious mar­ket seg­ments, such as food­s­tuffs, me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gy, or trans­port pack­a­ging. Wi­th STEP­ba­sic and its com­pre­hen­si­ve va­ri­ant and batch ma­nage­ment, you have just what you need.

Rub­ber processing

As a rub­ber pro­ces­sor, you keep an eye on a num­ber of the na­tu­ral product’s pro­per­ties, even though the ac­tu­al pro­ces­sing of pla­s­tic and rub­ber gra­nu­la­tes or preli­mi­na­ry pro­ducts is very si­mi­lar. Let STEP­ba­sic sup­port you in your dai­ly ope­ra­ti­ons, wi­th its com­pre­hen­si­ve va­ri­ant and batch ma­nage­ment, and wi­th the QA and la­bo­ra­to­ry module.

In­dus­try-spe­ci­fic ERP solutions


You ma­nu­fac­tu­re cos­me­tic pro­ducts for the na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal mar­ket and, to this end, you li­ke to keep an eye on the va­rious ru­les and re­gu­la­ti­ons. Num­e­rous pro­duct va­ri­ants ge­ne­ra­te an ex­ten­si­ve ran­ge for your cus­to­mers, and sa­tis­fy the most va­ried of re­qui­re­ments wi­th re­gard to pro­duc­tion plan­ning. He­re too, you can be­ne­fit from the sup­port pro­vi­ded by STEP­ba­sic. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user TITANIA® Fa­brik GmbH.

Me­cha­ni­cal engineering

You de­sign, de­ve­lop, and pro­du­ce ma­chi­nes — from spe­cial ma­chi­ne pro­duc­tion to con­fi­gura­ble lar­ge se­ries. For this, you re­qui­re good CAD in­te­gra­ti­on, com­pre­hen­si­ve va­ri­ant ma­nage­ment wi­thin pro­duc­tion, and the ma­nage­ment and pro­ces­sing of main­ten­an­ce cy­cles af­ter de­li­very. Wi­th STEP­ba­sic ERP you have all you need in a sin­gle ap­pli­ca­ti­on. You ma­nu­fac­tu­re cos­me­tic pro­ducts for the na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal mar­ket and, to this end, you li­ke to keep an eye on the va­rious ru­les and re­gu­la­ti­ons. Num­e­rous pro­duct va­ri­ants ge­ne­ra­te an ex­ten­si­ve ran­ge for your cus­to­mers, and sa­tis­fy the most va­ried of re­qui­re­ments wi­th re­gard to pro­duc­tion plan­ning. He­re too, you can be­ne­fit from the sup­port pro­vi­ded by STEPbasic.


You pro­cess me­tal to pro­du­ce a di­ver­se ran­ge of in­ter­me­dia­te and end pro­ducts, as one-off pie­ces or in me­di­um-si­zed or lar­ge se­ries. A cus­to­mer or­der of­ten trig­gers mul­ti­ple pro­duc­tion or­ders in­tern­al­ly, which must ali­gn wi­th one an­o­ther in terms of sche­du­ling. Wi­th the STEP­ba­sic pro­duc­tion net­work, you achie­ve pre­cis­e­ly this. Fur­ther re­fi­ne your pro­duct of­fe­ring thanks to va­ri­ant ma­nage­ment in 4 di­men­si­ons. We would be de­ligh­ted to pre­sent this to you in de­tail, wi­th the help of our re­fe­rence user Kohl­städt GmbH.

STEPSOFT GmbH — Your ERP specialist

STEPSOFT sup­ports com­pa­nies from in­dus­try and com­mer­ce as well as ca­si­nos wi­th so­phisti­ca­ted and high­ly sca­lable soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons that op­ti­mal­ly ful­fil in­dus­try-spe­ci­fic re­qui­re­ments. Your in­di­vi­dua­li­ty is our priority.

How to reach us


Ha­gen­stra­ße 41- 48529 Nordhorn 

Pho­ne: +49 (0) 5945 — 995180 



Pho­ne: + 49 (0) 5945 — 995180 
